Over the last few years in particular, online courses have developed into a fully realised and respected mode of studying. Many students cite the flexibility of distance education as a major benefit, allowing them to fit studies into their lives without their schedule or location having a negative impact (or vice versa).
That being said, many question studying online, especially when it’s still a while away from being the ‘mainstream’ method of tertiary education. This article aims to answer those questions and help you better understand whether online learning is the right choice for you.
How it all works
When considering online study, a lot of people get stuck on the differences between on and off campus education, forgetting the similarities. In particular, the curriculum, framework of courses and expectation for quality work is all the same. It’s important to understand this, so you don’t wrongly anticipate your studies to be a walkthrough.
This ensures that the qualifications you receive for investing your time will be just as valuable as a traditional on-campus course. There is no ‘online’ mention on your degree at the completion of your study, it is just as rigorous and viable as on-campus.
The key difference is in the delivery of the courses. Online studying provides you with the same access to resources including lectures, tutorials, and knowledgeable instructors, except through virtual communication and digital channels. Basically, you’ve got all the means you need for success at your fingertips, with the added benefit of being able to create a timetable that suits you. The only scheduling requirement is that you still remain within the stipulated submission periods.
Benefits of studying online
The popularity of online courses has been burgeoning steadily, and with good reason:
- Fully flexible schedules allow you to fit your studies into your life and not the other way around. This is particularly a draw card for those who are already working full-time and want to advance their skills with further education.
- Location independence means that as long as you have an Internet connection, you’re set.
- Save on travel expenses, childcare, paid parking, and other costs associated with studying on-campus.
- Greater autonomy in following a structure that suits your individual learning style.
- Receive direct assistance from instructors through online communication, in comparison to sitting in a classroom competing with a whole group of other voices.
Online studying is easily one of the best ways to complete a degree completely on your own terms. While it doesn’t suit everyone, it certainly is a great avenue to explore, particularly if you have certain time restraints or location issues.
At the end of the day, it presents a way of expanding your skills, knowledge, and career opportunities, all without the need for a major upheaval of your life - ultimately providing the best of both worlds.
If you’d like to learn more about online learning at JCU, contact one of our Student Enrolment Advisors today on 1300 535 919.