Two healthcare colleagues discussing results.
18 December, 2024
Becoming a clinical nurse specialist is a great career step for registered nurses who are passionate about patient care. Discover how you can enter this in-demand clinical leadership role.
22 January, 2019

Studying online has its challenges, but strong online learning strategies can help you achieve your goals. It’s important to get started early, craft a study schedule, create a good study environment and seek support. .

Online Master of Nursing Q&A
20 December, 2018
Uncover the ins and outs of studying an online Master of Nursing at JCU with Dr Narelle Biedermann and current nursing student, Jane.
Study nursing online
25 November, 2018

Connect with the experience of real students and graduates, Kylie and Susan, to discover what it’s really like to study a Master of Nursing online with JCU.

Robots and AI in healthcare
18 September, 2018
While humanoid robots will never take the jobs of healthcare professionals, could AI in healthcare complement their work to help provide better care?
Do nursing students cheat and why?
27 June, 2018
We explore the parameters of academic misconduct in nursing education and discover why instances of cheating are growing.
The impact of technology on nursing
12 June, 2018
Deloitte Access Economics highlights the impact of technology on Australian healthcare and the need for nurses to develop skills in IT data management.
Clinical governance in contemporary nursing
17 May, 2018

As the population grows and the healthcare system becomes increasingly complex, clinical governance will continue to be an essential part of today’s health landscape.

Can I get a master's degree online?
11 April, 2018
The beauty of studying a degree online is that it’s evolved to suit everyone. JCU’s bespoke one-on-one service will support you in achieving your goals.
Trends in nursing
2 April, 2018

The health industry is going through major upheaval, but nurses can capitalise on current trends to progress in their careers.
