How to be a successful nurse manager
These key attributes will help take your nursing career to the next level as a Nurse Manager.
Your Master of Nursing questions answered by those in the know
What’s it like to study nursing online? A real student experience
Connect with the experience of real students and graduates, Kylie and Susan, to discover what it’s really like to study a Master of Nursing online with JCU.
Robot complementing patient care in an Australian-first trial
Cheating in nursing and why students might fall into the trap
The impact of technology on healthcare in Australia
Clinical governance in contemporary nursing practice
As the population grows and the healthcare system becomes increasingly complex, clinical governance will continue to be an essential part of today’s health landscape.
How can nurses keep up with trends in the health industry?
The health industry is going through major upheaval, but nurses can capitalise on current trends to progress in their careers.
Encouraging lifelong learning in nursing and midwifery
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- Entry requirements
- Choosing right course
- How to apply and enrol
- How online study works
- Course duration and fees